I’m a USA-based software engineer with 15 years of experience in GNU/Linux system software and embedded devices.

I only work remotely, as I’ve done since 2016. I became an employee at Meteorcomm in 2022 after years of contracting for them. At Meteorcomm I develop radio frequency firmware for devices which operate on a nearly-nationwide 220Mhz network. Read about my past clients and employers here.

I have a M.Sc. in Computer Science from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, and a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from the University of California, Irvine. I posted some interesting academic work here.

I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail and hiked parts of the Pacific Crest Trail in 2014 and 2015.

My current hobbies include amateur ice hockey and running in local races.

I live and work in the beautiful Pacific Northwest

I live and work in the beautiful Pacific Northwest


Recent Posts:

Switched to gohugo.io v0.121.2

Rick Ramstetter
I’ve switched from GatsbyJS to gohugo. This new version of the site uses the Vimux/Mainroad Hugo theme. GatsbyJS is complicated: GraphQL, React, tens of other javascript dependencies, and the npm ecosystem to wrangle them all. In the worst case, making a new post in GatsbyJS requires updating npm, updating gatsby, considering security warnings, updating dependencies, and, finally, writing content. Given that I update this site around once per year, that level of complexity is not only unwarranted, but also dangerous.

Switched to GatsbyJS v2.11

Rick Ramstetter
The old version of Ramstetter.com was created with GatsbyJS version 0, which dates to 2016. That software is no longer maintained, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to make updates. Gatsby, Bootstrap, Netlify This new version is also using GatsbyJS, but version 2.11. The site is using Bootstrap among others for CSS. I’m hosting it on Netlify. DNS is (as previously) on Cloudflare. The sources are hosted in Github. I’ve got a CircleCI job running.